We’re on a mission to love.

Provide Nutrition

Provide Nutrition

Help Feed

SONshine Ministries has distributed over 40,000 lbs of rice and beans, which is a staple food, and has given away tens of thousands of dollars worth of food to the needy. SONshine Ministries also provides for seven weekly feeding programs. Six of those are for children and one for the elderly. We hope to add more programs in the future.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

Help Educate

Education and poverty are inevitably linked. If parents are unable to earn a reasonable income, then a child is less likely to receive education. Without education, a child is less likely to be able to support themselves in the future and so the cycle of poverty continues. With that, SONshine Ministries has provided school tuitions, uniforms, and school supplies to hundreds of children every year. We have also sent many students to college. These graduates will bring themselves and their families out of poverty, breaking the cycle.

Protecting From the Elements

Protecting From the Elements

Help House

SONshine Ministries has built over 135 homes for those in need. These homes are the size of the average garden shed, however it greatly improves their quality of life. 

SONshine Ministries has also built over 20 churches in Mexico, as well as the US, and we provide ongoing support to many pastors and their churches. These building projects are mostly done by the local pastors and they also hire others in their communities to work with them. It not only helps the pastors, who make very little if anything from their churches, but also helps the community. Each family helps in the building as well, giving them ownership.

Giving Them Hope

Giving Them Hope

Help Love

We strive to reflect God’s unconditional love. It’s a sacrificial love that embraces all people regardless of race or religion. We believe that we can show His love by serving the “least of these” on this earth as Christ challenged us to do in Matthew 25. We pray that by God’s grace, and with your support, we can continue to bring relief to the suffering and hope to the hopeless.

How Can I Help?

Every gift you give helps a child thrive, brings hope to a family and rebuilds a community. Through your generosity we deliver tangible help and hope to those who need it most. SONshine Ministries is non-denominational and a 501c3 so your gift is tax deductible.